
UKAN+ Webinar: Learning underwater ocean acoustics: computational modelling, experiments, and development of AI/ML-based models

14 October 2024

1:00 pm

Online Zoom Webinar


Abstract: Underwater radiated noise from shipping activities and offshore wind turbine construction/operation adversely affects the echolocation marine mammals. Noise levels in various regions of the North Sea, Arctic Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean off the coast of British Isles have almost doubled over the last decade due to various marine activities and can only be expected to increase with further increase of marine trade and offshore wind turbine construction, if left unchecked. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop accurate underwater noise source characterization and prediction capability of underwater radiated noise to regulate marine pile driving practices.

To analyse various interesting underwater ocean acoustic phenomena like broadband noise scattering, attenuation, and coupled fluid-acoustic interaction I have adopted both high-fidelity computational modelling and creative experiments. Finally, to develop a unifying model of underwater ocean acoustic propagation, a data-driven model is also being developed to complement the computational modelling and experiments as a toolbox with fast prediction capability of far-field noise radiation. Such a data-driven driven model is agnostic to the source of the data and is developed via state-of-the-art AI/ML architectures. This talk will discuss some key challenges, solutions and research milestones reached in the recent past.

Bio: Dr Wrik Mallik is a Lecturer at the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow. Dr Mallik’s primary area of expertise is Aeronautical Engineering, but he has been involved in various broad and multidisciplinary research areas of underwater ocean acoustics over the last few years. Dr Mallik is an associated with Under Water Sound Forum, a subgroup of UKAN.  He is also an affiliated member of the Marine Science Group at the University of Glasgow.

Register in advance for this webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oe1u8cEgR2y6VjJXvsfSww  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Posted on 19th March 2024 in Early Careers Group, Underwater Acoustics, Events