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Sound exposure at live events – Measurement, monitoring and management

Sound level monitoring and management at live events have become increasingly important in recent years due to more events taking place in densely populated areas, using progressively powerful sound reinforcement systems. The use of such sound systems has the potential to put the hearing heath of the audience at risk. Despite early warnings voiced by professional societies, the industry has only recently taken on a more proactive role regarding sound level regulations. This delayed response has resulted in numerous problematic sound level regulations in terms of sound engineering practice. This webinar explores current developments in this area including improved sound level analysis techniques, while also highlighting problematic knowledge gaps which currently prohibit comprehensive and consistent live event sound level regulations across the globe.

Adam Hill is currently an Associate Professor of Electroacoustics at the University of Derby where he runs the MSc Audio Engineering program. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Essex, an M.Sc. in Acoustics and Music Technology from the University of Edinburgh, and a B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from Miami University. His research generally focuses on analysis, modeling, and wide-area spatiotemporal control of low-frequency sound reproduction and reinforcement. Adam works seasonally as a live sound engineer for Gand Concert Sound, where he has designed and operated sound systems for over one thousand artists. He is chair of the AES Technical Committee on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, a member of the Electro-Acoustics Group Committee within the Institute of Acoustics, and a member of the WHO technical working group for development of the Global Standard for Safe Listening Venues. Adam was awarded the IoA Young Persons’ Award for Innovation in Acoustical Engineering in 2019. He is a chartered engineer and a member of the AES, IOA, IEEE and IET.

Posted on 11th October 2021 in Communication and Room Acoustics, Early Career, Events, Hearing, Noise and Soundscape, Physical Acoustics


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