Badreddine ASSOUAR at the University of Lorraine (France) is seeking for a brilliant PhD candidate to start a PhD project on Acoustic metamaterials/metasurfaces for low-frequency absorption to start on October 2021. Our group in the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL), Institution belonging to the University of Lorraine and CNRS, develops since many years different research topics related to acoustic/elastic metamaterials and metasurfaces, both on theoretical and experimental aspects. This has led to some majors achievements in the field of metamaterials [1-4]. The challenge of low-frequency acoustic absorption and elastic wave mitigation based on lightweight thin meta-structures has been one of the most exiting one we have faced, and with which we aim to cope in this proposed PhD project.
More details about the project and application process are here: PhD offer _ University of Lorraine_2021.
Posted on 8th February 2021 in