Title: Sensors for Wave Scattering
A four year fully-funded PhD post is available to work on the physics and mathematics of waves (sound or light) in powders under the supervision of Dr Art Gower (https://arturgower.github.io/).
Background: Early Mesopotamian people discovered that a mixture of mud and straw creates strong durable buildings, what we call today a composite material. Today these materials have enabled amazing advances in areas including aerospace, automobile, food science, communications technology, biotechnology.
This position focuses on mathematical models of waves (like sound, radio, light, and vibrations) interacting with complex materials like powders. The aim is to develop new ways to sense and measure powders. The candidate will work closely with the acoustics team in Johnson & Matthey, a British multinational who develops sustainable technologies and produce a wide range of powder products. During the PhD you will develop your skills in physics, mathematics, machine learning, and programming, while making a real impact.
Location: You will join the Dynamics group at the University of Sheffield, and have support from the UK acoustic network (acoustics.ac.uk). The University of Sheffield is part of the prestigious Russell Group universities, while the department of Mechanical Engineering ranks among the top in the UK, and has the largest research income in the UK.
Funding details:
The funding covers the cost of tuition fees and provides an annual tax-free stipend of £15,609 to £17,500 (for exceptional candidates) for 4 years. This studentship is only available for UK and EU nationals with 3 years residency in the UK (subject to EPSRC eligibility criteria).
Education: A good degree or Masters in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Civil, or other engineering.
Desirable skills
- Mathematical modelling. Familiarity with wave propagation or scattering
- Numerical methods and Good programming skills in any language
Other skills: Self-motivated, a passion for the subject, and excellent communication skills.
Start: 2021 with a flexible start date
To apply, please use our on-line PhD application form, including your CV and two academic references and indicate on your form that you are replying to this advert. Please feel free to also email Artur Gower (a.l.gower@sheffield.ac.uk) informally before applying.
Closing date: 8th of March 2021
Apply here.
Posted on 28th February 2021 in