
IOP PAG tutorial day – Materials characterisation using physical acoustics

24 September - 24 September 2020

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


More info


The IOP PAG tutorial day is aimed at Postgraduate Level students (Master/PhD). It is a half day event starting with lunch and followed by 3-4 talks each 45-1hr in length. The aim of the day is to inspire attendees with in-depth knowledge about physical acoustics by an engaging speaker. Each talk will present some basic tutorial information (15-30mins) about the speaker’s speciality/topic and will then also present the current state of the art in the field (15-30mins).

This year’s topic is “Materials characterisation using physical acoustics”.

Due to Covid-19 this year the event will be in the form of an online webinar rather than an in person event (in future, as soon as safe, we will revert back to meeting formats that enable personal contact) the draft programme is as follows:

13:00 Introduction -PAG group committee member
13:05 (Invited) Non-invasive measurement of soft solid and fluid properties by Ultrasound means
Professor Megan Povey, University of Leeds, UK
13:50 Q&A
Professor Megan Povey, University of Leeds, UK
14:00 (Invited) Materials characterisation for safety critical applications – why should we care?
Professor David Rugg, Rolls-Royce, UK
14:45 Q&A
Professor David Rugg, Rolls-Royce, UK
15:00 Break


15:15 (Invited) Characterisation of materials for use in underwater acoustic systems
Professor Victor Humphrey, University of Southampton, UK
16:00 Q&A
Professor Victor Humphrey, University of Southampton, UK
16:15 Official close, opportunity to continue engaging in conversation about the topic on the online conference platform until 5pm.

Register here.