
Sheffield SIAM-IMA Applied Mathematics Conference 2021

27 July - 28 July 2021

Online event

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Welcome to the Sheffield SIAM-IMA Applied Mathematics Conference 2021! We are hosting this conference online using Zoom on July 27th and 28th 2021.

With this conference we celebrate the recent formation of the Sheffield joint SIAM-IMA Student Chapter. We aim to provide a friendly environment for early-career researchers to showcase their research. The event will consist of four sessions, two on each day, and will feature four plenary talks and a number of shorter presentations. The plenary talks will be given by three academics and a research mathematician working in industry (see below for details).

We cordially invite graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in applied mathematics to contribute a short presentation, but we also want to encourage undergraduate students who have undertaken a summer research project to present their findings.

The conference is open to any student or academic with a keen interest in applied mathematics. If you would like to register or give a short talk or present a poster, please fill out this Google form (abstract submission deadline: 16th of July, poster submission deadline: 20th of July). If you cannot access the form or you cannot submit your answers, please email us directly at siamima@sheffield.ac.uk.

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