Sign up

The EPSRC UK Acoustics Network (UKAN) is open to any researcher, practitioner or end-user in acoustics, giving access to the entire pool of acoustics expertise across the UK.

Whatever your background, our network has plenty to offer you. Join our directory to increase the chances of new collaborations and getting more widely known in your specialist field. Information inputted below will be displayed and searchable in our public directory.

To find out more about the benefits of joining UKAN+, click here.

Account details
Personal and job details
Profile picture (optional) Minimum image dimensions: 600px x 600px Maximum size: 500kb
Upload Photo
ORCiD (optional)
Only the id # is required eg 0000-0000-0000-0000. This will create a link to your ORCiD page
Additional information
Any information entered below with support the search function of the directory.
Specialist Interest Groups (SIGs)
Choose the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that apply to you. Users will be able to filter members by interest areas in our directory.
Newsletter Subscriptions
Choose which areas you wish to receive updates from