
UKAN Workshop on Soundscapes

5 April 2022

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dyson Building
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Imperial College Road
SW7 2DB, London UK

More info

This workshop took place in person on the 5th of April, please see the flyer here

The purpose of this workshop was to explore UK research in soundscapes, encourage knowledge exchange and discuss future directions, and provided an opportunity to form teams and consortia for future research collaborations and funding proposals.

The workshop focused on both outdoor and indoor soundscapes, and moved beyond the more traditional research on the subject, looking at different aspects such as sensing, AI, policy, etc.

Participants had the opportunity to explore research from different areas and topics, meeting others who might not normally attend the same conference venues.


Video of the morning session


Picture of participants


Drawing done during the world cafè afternoon session


The workshop consisted of 2 parts:

Morning: Focussed presentations on different topics;

Afternoon: A World Café event, as well as a panel discussion.


Contact Details for questions/information



This workshop was partly supported by EPSRC Fellowship EP/T019751/1 “AI for Sound” (https://ai4s.surrey.ac.uk/)