This seminar series brings together working professionals on topics of Vibrational Acoustics. In our second seminar, we have with us Sebastian Zettel and Dr. René Winter from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany.
12:05 – 12:45: Sebastian Zettel, René Winter – High-resolution vibroacoustic measurement and analysis of the DLR research aircraft „ISTAR“
Abstract: Aircraft engines, especially when mounted directly to the fuselage, inject a considerable amount of tonal vibrations into the airframe causing audible and comfort reducing cabin noise. Reducing this noise requires the development of specialised noise reduction systems. This is a time consuming and expensive endeavour. To speed up and ease this process a sufficiently detailed numerical model of the aircraft structure and the force injected by the engines is required. The DLR ISTAR, a Dassault Falcon 2000LX, was used for an extensive vibration measurement campaign. The goal of this campaign was twofold: Getting spatially dense information about the aircrafts vibro-acoustic behaviour to later update a finite element model for calculations in the mid-frequency range and to analyse the vibration injected by running engines into the fuselage structure. The analysis includes the calculation of operational deflection based on the artificial excitation by shakers but also excitation by the engines. Additionally, the structural intensity is utilized to identify energy transfer paths of the structure also for both excitation variants. To understand the structural intensity results a short introduction regarding this topic is included.
- DLR Göttingen
- ISTAR Dassault Falcon 2000LX ‘D-BDLR’
- High-resolution vibroacoustic characterization of DLR’s Falcon 2000LX ISTAR aircraft (Conference proceeding Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2022)