Acoustical engineering has endless applications, our members reflect this and have a diverse range of interests. UK Acoustics Network Plus (UKAN+) brings together the vast and varied acoustic community, a community whose expertise underpins many of the vital technologies we rely on in healthcare, defence and construction. It is free to join the network, our only requirement is that you have an affinity to acoustics, demonstrated through answering four questions on the application form.
Since its inception, UKAN+ has expanded to 16 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) covering major areas of acoustics. Each SIG is a community with shared common experiences, challenges and inspiration. Providing the opportunity for members to connect and advance their focused area of interest. One highly active SIG is the Early Career Group, helping to develop future academic leaders, run summer schools and academia-industry workshops. Our SIGs host events throughout the year that are generally free and open to all.
Joining a SIG lets you make valuable contacts and gains insight into topical and relevant issues. Members can join as many Groups as they wish. You are encouraged to actively participate by getting in touch with the SIG Leaders.

Acoustic/Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation
This Special Interest Group (SIG-NDE) will cover the use of acoustic and ultrasonic methods for non-destructive evaluation (NDE) applications.
Aeroacoustics is concerned with the generation, transmission, and propagation of sound generated aerodynamically, i.e, by unsteady flows.
Bioacoustics (SIGBio)
Bioacoustics is concerned with all aspects of sound production, dispersion and reception in the natural world.
Communication and Room Acoustics
Communications and Room Acoustics will bring together researchers and practitioners developing solutions to improve communication and the internal environment for people.
Computational Acoustics
The Special Interest Group for Computational Acoustics (SIG-CA) brings together researchers, professionals and end users to address acoustical challenges.
Early Career
The Early Career SIG of UKAN+ (SIG-EC) comprises over 650 members from industry, academia and the third sector in the early stage of their careers.
Hearing provides a forum for researchers, engineers and policy makers to explore problems and identify research challenges related specifically to hearing acoustics
Mathematical Analysis in Acoustics
Mathematical Analysis in Acoustics brings together researchers developing tools from the fields of applied, numerical and asymptotic analysis in the context of acoustics
Acoustic Metamaterials is concerned with the development of metamaterial devices to create control of sound and elastic wave vibration using subwavelength resonators.
Noise and Soundscape
Noise is concerned with the challenge of noise in the built and natural environment.
Physical Acoustics
Physical acoustics is the area which focuses on the interaction of sound waves with matter and the processes which accompany it
At the heart of acoustics engineering is the sensor - the device by which sound is converted into data.
Spatial Acoustics and Immersive Audio
Spatial Acoustics and Immersive Audio will bring together researchers, professionals and end-users, all dealing with the spatial aspects of audio and acoustics.
Underwater Acoustics
Underwater Acoustics is concerned with the generation, transmission, and reception of sound in the underwater environment.