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Mathematical Analysis in Acoustics

UKAN+ Mathematical and Computational Acoustics Paper Prize & Workshop

Supported by the EPSRC UK Acoustics Network Plus (UKAN+)

When:  16-17th December 2024
Where:  Alan Turing Building, Department of Mathematics, The University of Manchester
What:  A set of talks on Mathematical and/or Computational Acoustics

The paper prize

We are offering prizes for best research papers in the broad area of Mathematical and/or Computational Acoustics written predominantly by an early career researcher (defined as not having a permanent position). Based on the submitted papers, the committee will shortlist a set of finalists that will be invited to present as part of a special session in the workshop. A set of judges will then decide the winners, based on both the papers and the presentations.

Two prizes of £250 in Amazon vouchers and a certificate are offered by the UKAN+ for the best two papers in Mathematical and Computational Acoustics.

The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The submitting researcher should be based at a UK university
  • The submitting researcher should not hold a permanent university position (consideration for career stage will be given)
  • Any one researcher can only submit one paper.
  • The submitted paper can already have been submitted or published elsewhere, though this is not a requirement.
  • The work should be recent. In particular, we will not accept papers that have been published more than 18 months prior the workshop.
  • Resubmissions from last year’s Mathematical Acoustics paper prize will not be considered.

To be considered for the prize, candidates must be able to submit a piece of original work (research paper) in the area of Mathematical and/or Computational Acoustics, on which they are a named author. A joint paper may be submitted by a candidate, if the candidate has made major contributions to it. In that case a letter signed by the co-authors giving permission for submission and explaining the contribution of the candidate to the paper is required. There is no requirement that the paper has already been published, submitted for publication, or uploaded to a preprint server.

Paper submission to the prize

To submit, please send your paper to If a letter from your co-authors is needed, please ask them to send it to the same address. The deadline for submission is 18th October 2024.

Registration to attend the workshop

It is perfectly OK to attend the workshop (and give a talk if you want) without participating in the paper prize competition.
Please register before Friday 15th November 2024 by filling in this form:

Wavinar Seminar Series

Our monthly Wavinar online seminar series is currently on hold, however you can still view previous talks here. However, if you would like us to continue the seminars and/or give a talk yourself, please do get in touch we would be delighted to work together.

Group overview

The Special Interest Group for Mathematical Analysis in Acoustics (SIG-MAA) brings together researchers developing and applying tools from the mathematical fields of applied, numerical and asymptotic analysis in the context of acoustics. Key challenge areas to be addressed include the analysis of propagation in complex domains (e.g. with multiscale structure and/or complicated geometries), the development of effective methods for high frequency problems (in particular, the study of canonical problems arising in the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction), and the rigorous analysis and validation of computational methods.

Mathematical tools that can be applied to such problems include Wiener-Hopf methods, high- and low-frequency asymptotic methods, homogenization, Green’s functions, the unified transform method, boundary integral equations and the theory of special functions. A particular goal of the SIG will be to explore various possibilities for the hybridisation of these diverse techniques in order to develop new tools for the mathematical study of acoustics problems. Since mathematical analysis underpins many of the quantitative tools used in acoustics applications, the SIG-MAA will interact closely with other SIGs to share ideas and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration. In particular we expect strong interaction with members of the Computational Acoustics, Physical Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and Metamaterials SIGs.


Over the past years we have been active in bringing together the research community of Mathematicians in Acoustics in the broadest sense, providing opportunities to exchange ideas and promote discussion between researchers of various disciplines, and to provide a comprehensive picture of the corresponding recent research in the UK. Our past activities include the organisation of seminar series, support for conferences and research surveys. Upon consultation with the group members the SIG-MAA will organise future events in order to best support the research and collaboration efforts of the community. These events can include summer schools for in-depth knowledge transfer, as well as workshops and short meetings for discussion of challenges at the forefront of current research.