Dr Robbie Balcombe,
COMSOL Multiphysics – On building acoustic model
Physical Acoustic special interest group is excited to announce a 1.5 hour practical webinar on modelling acoustic problems delivered by the COMSOL software engineer Dr Robbie Balcombe.
This webinar will cover a range of challenging problems in acoustics demonstrating a handful of tips on how to use commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics® for their numerical solution.
The program of the webinar is following:
- Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics®
- Overview of Numerical Methods -FEM, BEM , FEM/ BEM linking, Rays
- Setting up Hybrid Models (coupling different numerical methods)
- Open & Closed Acoustic Problems – Indoor vs Outdoor including ground
- Modelling Porous Materials
- Time Domain vs Frequency Domain, including demonstration of how to set up nonlinear acoustic problem
- Q&A session
The webinar will be recorded and will later be available on the UKAN+ YouTube channel.
There will be an option to obtain access to a free trial version of COMSOL Multiphysics® that includes all modules. If you would like to access the trial version please submit your response with the Google form here. Please note that this Google form is asking for permission to share attendee’s contact details with COMSOL. If you submit the form to confirm your agreement to share your contact details and register for the webinar (use the Register link to sign up for the webinar), COMSOL will contact you before the webinar to share instructions on how to access the trial version of software.
Robbie works as the Technical Director at COMSOL UK. He graduated from the University of Strathclyde in 2007 with a MEng in Aero-Mechanical Engineering, and then carried out his PhD in the area of numerical modelling of rolling contact fatigue at Imperial College London.
Posted on 8th May 2024 in