The Early Career Executive Board ran a second series of Connecting SIGs events. These brought together the SIGs overseen by each Early Career Acoustic Champion, as shown below.
- AI Champion, Arshdeep Singh: Acoustic Sensors, Computational Acoustics, Mathematical Analysis in Acoustics and Bio-acoustics SIGs
- Wellbeing Champion, Simone Graetzer: Communication and Room Acoustics, Hearing and Spatial Acoustics and Immersive Audio SIGs
Each Connecting SIGs event comprised a number of talks about the various research areas covered by the SIGs, and discussions about the current state and future of the research theme. In addition, they may have included some short talks (“pitches”) by individual members about their current research. The idea is to bring together the members of the SIGs to discuss possible collaborations and applications for UKAN+ funding. All UKAN+ members from all stages of their career are welcome.
Important dates and links to more information
For more information, or to get involved, email your Early Career SIG coordinator or email us at earlycareersgroup@acoustics.ac.uk.
Posted on 15th June 2023 in Early Careers Group, Events, Specialist Interest Groups