Please use the electronic registration form to register.
Scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes, government organizations and industry dealing with all aspects of underwater acoustics. Representatives from naval material commands and procurement offices.
UACE2021 provides a forum for exchange of recent research results, for discussion of future challenges in implementation and application of underwater acoustic technologies, and the conference displayed the latest advances in instrumentation.
The virtual conference will comprise a prominent series of structured oral sessions with invited papers given by leading international scientists. These Structured Sessions will be organized by key persons actively engaged at the forefronts of research in underwater acoustics. In addition, most recent research results will be presented in contributed papers forming the basis for regular oral sessions.
Full length UACE2021 papers will be published in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), an editor-reviewed, open-access, online journal published by the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). UACE database will feature direct links to the POMA volume related to UACE2021. In addition, UACE2021 papers will also show up in searches like Google Scholar, enhancing the visibility of UACE2021 papers to the wider underwater acoustics community.
The virtual conference will be similar to previous in-person UACE conferences. It will be delivered over a professional platform, Imagina, and will be managed by a highly competent and experienced technical team. The conference platform is rich with features such as interactive personalized programme, video streaming (live or on replay), personized push notifications, one—to-one appointments, matching and networking through video calls. Presentations will be assembled in three parallel sessions according to a topic and they will be assigned a virtual lecture room. A chairperson will coordinate each session. All registered attendees can attend any session and switch from session to session at will.
To give all presenters and attendees of UACE2021 the best possible experience under these new circumstances, we kindly ask authors to pre-record their presentations in order to ensure the quality, and a technical issue-free delivery of their presentation within the time limits. However, presenters should be virtually present for their entire session in order to answer questions and participate in the discussion.
As with in-person UACE conferences, there will also be a dedicated period for questions and discussion after the presentations. Participants will be able to use a Q&A box (similar to a chat) to ask questions during and right after the presentations. The session’s chairperson will then select a few questions, depending on the time allocated for the discussion, and will read them to the presenter, who will be able to answer verbally during the session. The presenter will also be able to answer, after her/his session, any remaining questions through the Q&A box. The whole process will be managed by a highly competent and experienced technical team.
All sessions will be fully recorded for post-conference streaming so that all registered attendees will be able to revisit the sessions and catch up with the talks they’ve missed.
The Conference customarily includes tutorial sessions and plenary sessions. We are in the process of organizing tutorials and plenary session which will be announced later.
UACE2021 will continue the Competition on the best paper presented by graduate students, Prof. Leif Bjorno Award. A new award for the best paper presented by a young scientist up to 40 years old will be initiated. Both awards will be funded by The Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IACM-FORTH). Awards will be presented at a virtual ceremony at the end of the conference.
An e-exhibition by leading international manufacturers of state-of-the-art technologies, equipment and services for underwater acoustic measurements, surveys and control of underwater processes will be arranged. Potential e-exhibitors please contact Ms Yiota Rigopoulou
Posted on 2nd June 2021 in Events, Underwater Acoustics