Presentation Overview
“a great introduction for people to engage in acoustics, and understand how they can add another dimension to their bird watching with sound recordings”
Bioacoustics is the study of animal ecology and behaviour through the use of sound. This approach is commonly used by researchers and consultants studying bats and cetaceans in Europe and globally. The same approach can also be used for a variety of other species groups, including birds, mammals, amphibians and invertebrates, but is rarely used due to a lack of knowledge and established practice. This webinar will show how acoustic recording has a great untapped potential for tackling conservation issues, generating new data that could support the protection of rare species, and better understanding of the environment. The session will introduce and explain a range of hardware, software and field/analysis methods, demonstrating how bioacoustics can be used to determine presence/absence, distribution and populations of target species or communities. The evidence for potential benefits, and disadvantages, will be explained, to allow attendees to understand how they might be able to use bioacoustics within their own practice.
Carlos Abrahams is Technical Director at Baker Consultants in Derbyshire and a Senior Lecturer on the Environmental Biology BSc at Nottingham Trent University. He has been working in ecology and nature conservation roles for more than 25 years, with expertise in ecological survey, wetland ecology and bioacoustics. He has recently published a number of scientific papers on bird bioacoustics, and is trying to develop the application of these methods within the UK.
This event is free to attend, Members of the general public are welcome to attend. The presentation is pitched at a moderate level, in terms of the ecology and the acoustics knowledge required. So join us if you have knowledge of sound (but no ecology) background, and wildlife enthusiasts without technical acoustics expertise.
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Posted on 30th June 2020 in