Webinar – Psychoacoustic methods to inform the design of novel aerial vehicles, Antonio Torija Martinez (University of Salford)
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies are rapidly advancing due to the unlimited number of applications from parcel delivery to people transportation. As the UAV market expands, community noise impact will become a significant problem for public acceptance. Both noise signatures and operational procedures of UAVs will vary widely from conventional aircraft. This implies a significant challenge, but also, an excellent opportunity for innovation in aircraft noise research, as new methods are needed to account for the particular acoustic characteristics of these novel unconventional designs. This webinar aims to introduce the Perception-Influenced Design approach, where cutting-edge psychoacoustic methods are implemented at early stages for efficient low noise designs. The underlying hypothesis is that addressing the worst psychoacoustic conditions early at the design process will avoid costly and inefficient ad hoc corrections at later stages. This webinar will also provide an overview of the main research gaps and challenges to efficiently address the psychoacoustic issues associated with UAVs.
Dr Antonio J. Torija-Martinez is a Lecturer in Acoustic Engineering at the University of Salford and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton. He has extensive experience in aircraft noise modelling and noise assessment of novel aerial vehicles. His expertise is also in psychoacoustics, noise metrics and bridging the gap between engineering and noise perception. He is a Human Response and Metrics expert in the NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group. He was the recipient of a 3-year Marie Curie EU Postdoctoral Fellowship and was awarded £40k by the Airbus Collaborative University Challenge on Aircraft Noise Annoyance. He was a senior researcher on Innovate UK and EPSRC projects: ‘Rolls Royce SILOET II Project 13 (ref: 113013)’ and ‘ACAPELLA (ref: 113086)’; and ‘ACCLAIM (EP/M027031/1)’ and ‘SAECA-EPSRC Institutional Sponsorship Award’. He has published 29 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Nature, and one patent (WO/2014/020213), and has received five awards for excellent contributions to Acoustics, including the Andres Lara Award from the Spanish Society of Acoustics. Dr Torija-Martinez is an expert contributor to the NASA white paper on Urban Air Mobility Noise: Current Practice, Gaps, and Recommendations.
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Early Careers SIG Webinar Series
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Posted on 20th August 2020 in