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Webinar – Acoustical Properties of Porous Media – Airborne Case. By Prof. Kirill V. Horoshenkov, University of Sheffield

Webinar – Acoustical Properties of Porous Media by Professor Kirill V. Horoshenkov, University of Sheffield

There are many models for the prediction of the acoustical properties of porous media which require knowledge of non-acoustical parameters few of which are directly measurable. This webinar  will review some of these models and illustrate that the acoustical properties of a majority of types of porous media (e.g. impedance and absorption coefficient) can be predicted from the knowledge of no more than three non-acoustical parameters – all of which are measurable. These non-acoustical parameters are directly measurable and relate unambiguously to the pore microstructure and key acoustical properties of porous media. Model which are based on a limited set of directly measurable non-acoustical parameters are well suited for dealing with a wide range of porous media applications which are not necessarily acoustic. This webinar will also explain how to measure the acoustical and related non-acoustical properties with a relatively simple and inexpensive experimental setup.

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Posted on 16th April 2020 in Events, Physical Acoustics


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