Upcoming Underwater Acoustics webinars:
Webinar 16 – 9 November 2023
Jonas van Pein (Hamburg University of Technology’s Institute for Modelling and Computation)
Title: “Scaling Laws for Offshore Pile Driving Noise”
Abstract: N/A
Shane Guan (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
Title: “Incorporating kurtosis to improve marine mammal auditory impact from down-the-hole pile driving noise”
Abstract: N/A
Previous Underwater Acoustics webinars:
Recordings available on YouTube here
Webinar 15 – 5 October 2023
Luca Possenti (The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
Title: “The contribution of climate change on propagation of shipping noise in the North Atlantic Ocean”
Abstract: N/A
Gianluca Audone (University of Bath)
Title: “Long-term effects of ocean temperature rise on the deep sea”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 14 – 31 August 2023
Sander von Benda-Beckmann (TNO)
Title: “Impact of impulsive and continuous underwater sound on marine mammals”
Abstract: N/A
Diego Miguez (ORE Catapult)
Title: “Tidal noise monitoring in a high energy environment”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 13 – 13 July 2023
Catherine Tait (EMEC)
Title: “Acoustic monitoring at the European Marine Energy Centre”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 12 – 18 May 2023
Anna Stork (Silixa)
Title: “Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Technology and applications”
Abstract: The talk will outline the technology behind Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and provide…
William Wilcock (University of Washington)
Title: “Distributed Acoustic Sensing on the Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Cabled Array: Acoustical observations”
Abstract: The Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Cabled Array (OOI RCA) is a…
Webinar 11 – 23 March 2023
Rosalyn Putland (CEFAS)
Title: “Can squid hear underwater noise?”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 10 – 2 March 2023
Oscar Bryan (University of Bath)
Title: N/A
Abstract: N/A
Sei-Him Cheong (NPL)
Title: N/A
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 9 – 28 April 2022
Alfie Treloar (University of Bath)
Title: “Dynamic complicated propagation modelling (Research Soundings talk)”
Abstract: N/A
Hugh Rice (University of Leeds)
Title: “Characterisation of complex multiphase flows using novel acoustic and optical methods (Research Soundings talk)”
Abstract: N/A
Patrick Lyne (Irish Whale and Dolphin Group)
Title: “Minke whale acoustics (Research Soundings talk)”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 8 – 24 March 2022
David de la Haye
Title: “At the pond edge (Research Soundings talk)”
Abstract: N/A
Irene Mopin (ENSTA Bretagne)
Title: “The sound of the seafloor (Research Soundings talk)”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 7 – 24 February 2022
Rasmus Sloth Pederson (Irwin Carr Consulting)
Title: “Practical underwater noise modelling for the offshore industry”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 6 – 25 November 2021
Sarah Marley (Scotland’s Rural University College)
Title: “The importance of context in marine bioacoustics”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 5 – 28 October 2021
Zuhayr Rymansaib (University of Bath)
Title: “Freeze-Casting: Growing piezocomposite ultrasonic transducers”
Abstract: N/A
Hannah Rose (Thales / University of Glasgow)
Title: “Modelling and understanding the d36 mode”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 4 – 30 September 2021
Pierre Cauchy (UQAR)
Title: “Ocean of sound: Underwater gliders observing the oceanic environment”
Abstract: N/A
Ahsan Raza (University of Bath)
Title: “Underwater signal processing using arrays on FPGA platforms”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 3 – 29 July 2021
Denise Risch (SAMS)
Title: “Passive acoustics for long-term monitoring of protected species and habitats: Current results and future directions”
Abstract: N/A
Shaula Garibbo (University of Bath)
Title: “Low frequency ocean acoustics at the Lofoten-Vesteralen observatory, Norway”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 2 – 1 July 2021
Usama Kadri (Cardiff University)
Title: “Acoustic-gravity waves, theory and applications”
Abstract: N/A
Jake Ward (NPL)
Title: “Low frequency hydrophone calibration”
Abstract: N/A
Webinar 1 – 27 Mary 2021
Sophie Nedelec (University of Exeter)
Title: “Pressure and particle motion soundscapes in the Anthropocene: Problems and solutions”
Abstract: N/A
Jo Garrett (University of Exeter)
Title: “Sonic kayaks: Environmental monitoring and experimental music”
Abstract: N/A