
Symposium: Inclusive design with multi-senses

14 April 2023

1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

STEAMhouse Belmont Row Birmingham B4 7RQ


Taking a sensory perspective, what adds to the inclusive design agenda and values? Understanding the multi-sensory perceptions (the cross-modal correspondences) is important to the creation of healthy buildings that brings wellness and delight to the built environment. Considering senses like sound, smell, and vision holistically is essential for inclusive design because it acknowledges individuals’ diverse sensory needs and preferences. Each person has unique sensory experiences and may process sensory information differently, depending on factors such as age, gender, culture, and ability. Therefore, designing environments that only address physical accessibility may not be enough to promote inclusion and well-being. By taking a multi-sensory approach, designers can create spaces that are not only accessible but also engaging and enriching for all individuals. This can lead to a more positive experience for users and a sense of belonging, promoting social inclusion and a greater sense of community.

Speakers and presenters

Prof./Dr Charles Spence, Crossmodal Research Laboratory, University of Oxford

Prof./ Dr Jian Kang, Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, University College London

Assoc. Prof./Dr PerMagnus Lindborg, School of Creative Media, City University of Hongkong

Dr Antonella Radicchi, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Birmingham City University

Prof. Em./Dr. Dietrich Henckel, Technical University of Berlin

Dr Carolina Vasilikou, Manchester School of Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University

Assoc. Prof./Dr Victoria Bates, Department of History, University of Bristol

Prof./Dr Jonathan Reinarz, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham

Dr Cecilia Bembibre, Institute for Sustainable Heritage, University College London

Dr Dmitrijs Dmitrenko, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex

This half-day symposium opens a conversation about designing inclusive environments from a multi-sensory perspective. It will have a series of short talks and an exhibition. If anyone is interested in attending or needs more detailed information, please contact Jieling – jieling.xiao@bcu.ac.uk

Posted on 28th March 2023 in Events, Early Careers Group, Noise