This event, organised by the Measurement and Instrumentation Group, will review the current state of acoustic instrumentation and measurement within ‘Smart Cities’. The event will look at recent developments in instrumentation for distributed and long term noise monitoring, the development of appropriate analytics for handling large datasets and example case studies including those where acoustic data is combined with other measurands.
UKAN can provide travel grants to their members who wish to attend this event.
Registration link is here.
Draft Programme
09.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome and Introduction,
Ben Piper, IOA M&I Group / Acoustic Sensor Networks
10.10 A Little Electronic Milky Way of Sound – The IoT and the Future Sound of Cities,
Dan Pope, RSK
10.50 Standards for Smart Cities,
Richard Barham, Acoustic Sensor Networks
11.10 Introduction to the Connected Places Catapult
11.30 Coffee
11.50 Getting Smarter – Turning sound level monitors into Smart City tools,
Paul McDonald, Sonitus Systems
12.40 Tools for data collection in Soundscape applications,
Miguel Garcia Pedroche, HEAD Acoustics UK
13.10 Lunch
13.40 AI for Sound: A Future Technology for Smart Cities –
Prof. Mark Plumbley, University of Surrey
14.20 Tranquil Cities,
Grant Waters, Tranquil City
15.00 Coffee
15.20 More measurement data – more knowledge or just more noise?,
Matthew Muirhead, AECOM
16.00 Discussion
16.30 Close