
Short Course on Aircraft Noise

1 October - 2 October 2019

School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester

More info


Aircraft noise has been become a prominent source of media headlines, a subject for green lobbies, and a concern for operators and decision-makers, particularly at a time when further airport expansion is made difficult by land planning and various environmental restrictions. This course will address these wider problems, but it will focus specifically on the engineering aspects of generation, propagation and mitigation of aircraft noise. This course deals with commercial airplanes powered by gas-turbine engines. Unique features of this course include multi-disciplinary analysis of aircraft noise: aerodynamics, propulsion, acoustics, outdoor sound propagation, flight physics, numerical optimisation, system engineering, certification and regulations, and stochastic analysis.


The University offers state-of-the-art conference and computer facilities and is conveniently located in the city centre of Manchester, one of the major metropolitan areas in the United Kingdom. For course booking, hotel reservation and general information, please contact the MACE Academic Secretary team on MACESecretary@manchester.ac.uk.

The registration is open through this link.


This course is addressed to professionals, engineers, scientists, graduate students with interest in the effects of noise emissions from an engineering and technology point of view. Target businesses include commercial airlines, air traffic control, aviation organisations and regulators, aircraft and power plant manufacturers, aircraft designers, policy makers, aviation consultancy businesses, graduate students and academics.


Session 1: Critical introduction, noise regulations, trends, data, airports, noise certificate, legal aspects

Session 2: Noise metrics: instantaneous, tonal/broadband, time averaged, integral, short- long term

Session 3: Aircraft noise sources

  • Engineering systems and network analysis
  • Airframe noise: sources, characterisation, modelling, prediction
  • Engine noise: as above, specifically: fan system noise, core noise, jet noise
  • Propeller and counter-rotating prop noise: : sources, modelling, prediction methods

Session 4: Aircraft noise propagation

  • Noise propagation models, focus on long-range issues
  • Effects of topography, including ground and background noise
  • Effects of atmospheric winds and humidity

Session 5: Noise measurements

  • Noise measurements at airfields
  • Automatic noise tracking at airfields
  • Noise measurements in laboratory conditions

Session 6: Noise reduction by trajectory optimisation

  • Elements of multi-objective optimisation
  • Trajectory constraints and typical operations (NADP, steep-descent, etc.)

Session 7: Noise footprints, effects of multiple aircraft movements

  • Noise mapping

CASE STUDIES: Commercial airplanes (turbofan and turboprops)

  • Departure aircraft noise
  • Arrival & landing aircraft noise
  • Calculation of noise footprints (single/multiple aircraft operations)
  • Noise sensitivity studies (effects of operation, gross weight, source components)

All computer exercises carried out with in-house code.


  • Course Notes, Teaching Material, Case Studies
  • A version of the Noise Simulation Software (FLIGHT)

(*course date may be subject to change)

Price: £850 (£390 for registered post-graduate students and early-career engineers)

Funding is available for UKAN members to cover the course fees. Apply here.

Posted on 4th June 2019 in Events