Presentation Overview
Noise in restaurants, pubs and other meeting places is a problem for many people. Communication, being the essence of a meeting, is disturbed by loud patrons’ voices. And each conversation is growing louder, as a result of the increasing level of the other conversations. For the solution of this problem the keywords are: Lombard effect, speech intelligibility, signal to noise ratio (SNR), and sound absorption. Dr Evert Ph. J. de Ruiter will present a feedback model that can be used to illustrate their relationship. The effect of architectural measures in places such as restaurants to reduce sound levels will be expressed in the acoustic capacity, and compared to the physical capacity, with or without social distancing.
Dr Evert Ph. J. de Ruiter started his study in Applied Physics at the Delft University of Technology in 1963. After receiving his master’s degree in 1971, he started with Peutz in The Hague as a staff engineer in acoustics. In 1976 he became a senior consulting engineer. He was involved in the design of many office buildings, hospitals, airport buildings and in environmental noise projects. From 1965 he has been a member of several committees, boards and representative bodies, in the field of education, engineering and others. In 1987-1993 he was a member of the board of the Acoustical Society of The Netherlands. In 1975-2000 he taught several courses in the field of acoustics, including the course “Noise in HVAC installations” for the Dutch Society for Building Services (TVVL). From 1999 until 2005 he was a part-time researcher at the Delft University of Technology, where he competed the doctoral dissertation: “The great canyon. Reclaiming land from urban traffic noise zones”. Since 2000 Dr Evert Ph.J. de Ruiter has been actively involved in design and research in noise control in meeting spaces like shopping malls and restaurants. He has published 6 journal articles and papers in conference proceedings on this subject. In December 2019 he retired from Peutz.
Booking is essential as places are limited
The event is free to members of the IOA, as well as to students and the public.
The meeting will be run via Zoom
To register for this event, please go to the registration page at:
Registration will close 24 hours before the event and the meeting joining details will be released on the day. CPD certification will be offered for attendance.
If you have any queries please contact Julija Smyrnowa:
Posted on 20th July 2020 in