The IOP Physical Acoustics Tutorial Day is an annual event aimed at Postgraduate Level students (Masters/PhD), but open to all. The aim of the day is to inspire attendees with engaging speakers who have an in-depth knowledge of physical acoustics. This year’s topic is Machine Learning in Physical Acoustics. This is normally a half-day event with 3 or 4 speakers, each giving a tutorial on the fundamentals of their speciality, as well as describing the current state of the art in their field. This year, the event has been expanded to a full day to include a Research Student Symposium, to allow PhD students to present their work (any research work in Physical Acoustics will be considered, the Research Symposium Theme is not limited to the topic of Machine Learning only). This is in recognition of the fact that it has been difficult for them to do so during the Covid-19 pandemic. The morning session will give PhD students the opportunity to present their research in 10-15 minutes and there will also be a poster session during the coffee breaks and over lunch. This will be followed by an afternoon programme of tutorial talks by expert invited speakers. There will be a limited number of student presentation spaces, so please submit an abstract to have your talk or poster considered for selection |