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Connecting SIGs event 2023 on Wellbeing – Future of Acoustics for Wellbeing and Health

UKAN+ is organising a second series of Connecting SIGs events, the aim of which is to enable members across all special interest groups (SIGs) to learn more about the research conducted in other SIGs and to connect with other researchers. Four events will be held, each focussed on one of the four UKAN+ research themes, Wellbeing, Manufacturing and Transport, AI and Sustainability, and highlighting the activities relating to three or four of the UKAN+ SIGs. We believe that these events will result in networking opportunities and potential future collaborations, as well as offering exposure to an interdisciplinary audience across academia, industry and other sectors. UKAN+ members from all SIGs and all stages of their career are welcome to attend.

We are happy to announce that the next Connecting SIGs event on Wellbeing will be held from 4.30 to 6pm on Friday 22nd September, 2023. The theme is the Future of Acoustics for Wellbeing and Health. The three SIGs presenting in this event will be Hearing, Spatial Acoustics and Immersive Audio, and Communication and Room Acoustics. This event is a Basic Auditory Science 2023 (BAS2023) satellite event.

Registration is not required. However, you must be attending BAS2023 on the 21st and 22nd September to be eligible to attend this event. While you are encouraged to become a member of UKAN+, this is not a requirement.


The programme of the event consists of three parts:

  1. Welcome address
  2. General overview presentations by each of the three SIGs
    1. Hearing: Chris Sumner (Nottingham Trent University)
    2. Communication and Room Acoustics: Stephen Dance (London Southbank University)
    3. Spatial Acoustics and Immersive Audio: Aidan Hogg (Imperial College London)
  3. Panel discussion to discuss the future of Acoustics for Wellbeing and Health


Organisers and contact

The organisers of this UKAN+ Connecting SIGs event are Simone Graetzer (University of Salford), Aidan Hogg (Imperial College London), Stephen Dance (London South Bank University) and Chris Sumner (Nottingham Trent University).

If you have questions or need further information, please send an email to Simone If your question is about the Basic Auditory Science event, please contact the BAS2023 Imperial organising committee.

Posted on 15th June 2023 in Early Careers Group, Events, Specialist Interest Groups


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